Late Modern/New York Style:
I was surfing the internet, doing some research on Saul Bass when I found these works. I originally wanted to use this for a blog entry, but decided it would make a great early modern example.
Designer Hexagonall, apparently a big fan of Saul Bass, made a series of Tron posters mimicking Bass's style. To the right, I've posted up of my favorite of the posters and the rest can be found
Hexagonall also made an amazing, Saul Bass style, intro video for the original Tron movie. Check it out:
Tron vs. Saul Bass from
Hexagonall on
I've talked about this designer before, and while I'm not a big fan of his illustrations, I couldn't think of anything better than
Enkeling's typographic posters for an example of the psychedelic movement.
This one reads "Make your own kind of music even if nobody else sings along."
His best works (in my opinion) are on page 8 of his blog, but there's some pretty good stuff if you go back or forwards a page or 2.